The Voice Starter Lesson


Do you want to learn about your voice and how singing really works so you can finally complete your dream project with confidence?



I would love to introduce you to a holistic voice training method to develop healthy vocal technique while deepening your connection to your voice, body and self-expression.

The Voice Starter Lesson is a 45 minute voice lessons exposing you to the foundations of a body based, functional vocal technique system known as Somatic Voicework, the LoVetri Method. You will start to learn how the voice really works, not just how it sounds, and simple, yet effective warm ups to strengthen your voice. At the end of the lesson you will have greater awareness of your own instrument as well as receive a general assessment of the areas you will need to work on to further develop your voice based on your goals and key elements of singing.


“I mustered up the strength and courage, got focused and diminished fear, prepared and DID IT! Taking your vocal starter kit, and heeding your tips, proved to be so helpful. It was the jumpstart I needed. Thanks soo much again!”



  • You want to learn how singing really works - and how to make your voice work for you

  • You have a dream project that involves your voice but lack of confidence in your singing is holding you back

  • You have been wanting to reconnect with your voice and singing in a deeper way

  • You want to find out more about your sound and refine your signature style

  • You want to learn about the voice in a holistic way that will allow you to keep singing with ease for decades to come!